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Tea - with love.
  • Post author
    Ashmit Patel
  • Tea - with love.
  • Tea - with love.

  • The conception of eternal love is chiseled by the romantic month of February - when the weather is at the cusp of the transition between the frosty winters and renewal energy of spring. We stride into the month of amour and passion, celebrating Valentine’s Day. And what better way to revere the day of love with your special someone than savoring the crisp, yet romantic brew of tea!

    “The love that flows through your heart purifies not only your own spirit but the love you share with others.” ~ Caroline Myss.  

    Tea - is not your typical Valentine’s Day gifting idea. But it inevitably drives the force of love by devising a pathway to enjoy a warm beverage and creating an aura of pure romance, mysticism, and love. There isn’t any better way to serenade your beloved this Valentine’s Day than with the magnificence and pious energy of tea.

    Tea for Two

    So, you’ve planned a perfect evening of red, candle-lights and your beloved’s favorite cuisine to mark Valentine’s Day. But why wait for dinner, when you can commence on jubilation with piquancy and aroma of tea?

    Yes, a celestial glass of wine does set the romantic ambiance. In addition to a box of chocolates, flowers, and a table gladdened with the cliched heart-shaped fare. But there’s nothing that can create a fuzzy feeling and warmth within than a hot brew.

    Why Tea for Valentine’s Day?

    Tea is relaxing. It helps you calm down. When you’re calm and in the zone, you can connect with your beloved at a spiritual level. This spiritual connection will allow you to understand your partner, build a strong bond, develop a power of empathy and inspiration to live, love and look forward to the future together!

    Our Special Valentine’s Day Blends

    Rose Falooda

    Roses are a sign of love. And the symbolism dates back to Greek mythology, wherein the Greek goddess of love “Aphrodite”, adorns her body with cardinal roses. And falooda is a lusciously, divine trifle originating from the Indian subcontinent.

    Our proprietary Rose Falooda tea blend is ideal for Valentine’s Day because it’s delicate, yet enticing. It’s a harmonious blend of blush pink rose petals, vitreous white tea, sweet coconut, nutty pistachio, natural sweetener - stevia and decadent vanilla.

    The implied health benefits of “white tea” are manifold. It’s a storehouse of antioxidants, tannins, flavonoids, and polyphenols - that are effective for our overall well-being and health. A sip of our Rose Falooda blend of white tea will boost sharpness and energy - which are much-needed elements for transforming a romantic Valentine’s Day into magical!

    Black Forest

    Black Forest is one of Germany’s most romantic regions - once lauded as a mysterious thick forest by the ancient Romans. We kept the mystery alive with our unique blend of black tea, aromatic hibiscus, roasted cocoa shells, and sharp dried cherries - called the Black Forest.

    It’s your typical dessert brew, akin to a delectable black forest cake. The flavor notes are mesmeric and passionate to the core - rich in chocolate, vanilla, and cherry notes. It’s a perfect combination for a charcuterie plate and your Valentine’s Day date!


    The paramount feeling of love is experienced to the core in silence. And you can feel the presence of supreme love with the sound and essence of “Om”. Om is above and beyond a symbolic, sacred Indian chant. It’s the ultimate source of divinity - an element of Pure Love. Our herbal tea blend “Om” is an ideal gift for your love this Valentine’s Day. 

    It’s an exquisite blend of aromatic chamomile tea, lush lavender, mystical rose, citrusy lemongrass, and lemon verbena. Whether you enjoy it with your beloved - cuddled, and in each other’s embrace - or present him/her with the goodness of herbal tea “Om”, you’re sure to transform your Valentine’s Day into a celestial affair!

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